Assessment of automatic segmentation accuracy with various point cloud density


Yunusov A.G.1ORCID,Jdeed A.J.1ORCID,Begliarov N.S.1ORCID,Elshewy M.A.1ORCID


1. State University Of Land Use Planning


Laser scanning is considered as one of the most useful and fast technologies for modelling. On the other hand, the size of scan results can vary from hundreds to several million points. As a result, the large volume of the obtained clouds leads to complication at processing the results and increases the time costs. One way to reduce the volume of a point cloud is segmentation, which reduces the amount of data from several million points to a limited number of segments. In this article, we evaluated effect on the performance, the accuracy of various segmentation methods and the geometric accuracy of the obtained models at density changes taking into account the processing time. The results of our experiment were compared with reference data in a form of comparative analysis. As a conclusion, some recommendations for choosing the best segmentation method were proposed.


FSBI Center of Geodesy, Cartography, and SDI


Computers in Earth Sciences,Earth-Surface Processes,Geophysics

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