About the features of collecting three-dimensional cadastral information in urban areas


Begliarov N. S.1,Shapovalov D. A.1


1. State University of Land Use Planning


The article deals with the actual problem of information support with 3D models for the system of accounting and registration of real estate objects and systems of "smart city". The authors considered a methodology that allows for continuous modeling of real estate objects in urban areas for the purposes of 3D cadastre and effective management in the "smart city" paradigm. The proposed technique is based on the joint use and processing of laser scanning and aerial photography from UAVs. To study the effectiveness of the proposed technique, a number of experiments were carried out on real objects. The obtained dense point clouds from TLS/MLS and UAVs were combined in the CloudCompare open source software product. As a result of experimental work, the optimal parameters for performing TLS/MLS and aerial photography from UAVs, combining heterogeneous point clouds were determined. The results of experimental work have shown that the proposed technique allows performing 3D modeling of real estate with an accuracy that meets the current requirements of the legislation and various levels of details. The resulting models of real estate objects are suitable for the formation of a single three-dimensional database of cadastral data and can be used as an information basis for the development of public digital services and services, as well as to improve the efficiency of urban management. The proposed solution can be used as one of the methods for collecting spatial data on real estate objects during the transition of the Russian Federation to the 3D cadastre system.


Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies


Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering

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