1. Pacific State Medical University
Objective: to analyze the prevalence of smoking in the population of conditionally healthy residents of Primorsky Krai included in the regional stage of the ESSAY–RF study and establish its relationship with traditional cardiovascular risk factors.Materials and methods: the work uses the database of the study «Epidemiology of cardiovascular diseases in various regions of the Russian Federation» (ESSAY-RF) in Primorsky Krai. In the study population, age, gender, smoking fact, pack/years index (PYI), body mass index (BMI), systolic (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) levels, heart rate (HR), lipid spectrum (total cholesterol (TC), low lipoproteins (LDL) and high-density lipoproteins (HDL), non-high-density lipoproteins (non-HDL), triglycerides (TG)), uric acid level (UA) were analyzed. Statistical data processing was carried out using the StatTech v. 2.7.1 program (developed by Stattech LLC, Russia).Results: predictors of the development of chronic non-communicable diseases (CNCD) in groups of smokers (n=327) and non-smokers (n=1160) were studied. In the general group of smokers, an increase in the level of UA was found. When dividing the group of smokers into subgroups depending on the intensity of smoking (I-A with a low-medium degree of nicotine dependence at PYI<10, and I-B with a high degree of nicotine dependence at PYI>10), higher values of SBP, DBP, HR, TG, UA and lower values of HDL between groups I-B and non-smokers. The conducted correlation analysis showed the presence of a direct relationship between the intensity of smoking and the indicators of SBP, DBP, HR, TG and the reverse — with the level of HDL. The use of the method of paired linear regression with the condition of an increase in PYI by 1 in intensely smoking individuals showed a slight effect on the growth of SBP, DBP, UA, TG and HDL. Obviously, a high degree of nicotine dependence per se is a factor closely associated with an increase in the level of SBP, DBP, HR, UA, TG content and a decrease in HDL. With its even greater increase, the change in the predictors of CNCD occurs less noticeably and may be influenced by other positions, indicating the need for complete cessation of smoking at the stage of the presence of risk factors.Conclusion: taking into account the established relationships, it is necessary to strengthen preventive-oriented measures and motivating the population to completely give up smoking, and it is also necessary to monitor the main and additional significant predictors in the framework of outpatient follow-up.
Rostov State Medical University
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