1. The phenomenon of intertextuality requires deep rethinking in the postmodern era, because determines the formation of a new type of creative thinking that allows going beyond the limits of a work of art. At the same time, it is extremely important to study German postmodernism, which has both common European features and its own specificity, due to cultural and historical characteristics. The prose and poetry of German postmodernism is a unique material for the study of a new intertextuality language. The first part of the article analyzes the problems of definition and typology of intertextuality based on the works of J. Kristeva, R. Bart, M.M. Bakhtin, U. Eco, etc. The author states that intertextuality should be understood as not only dialogue, but also multiplicity of perception, a kind of game between the author and the reader, as well as a special cognitive practice. The classifications of intertextuality are based on the principles of intertext relations and location, structure, text stylistics and authorship. The second part presents the results of the study of new intertextuality forms based on the novel by M.-U. Kling «Kangaroo Manifesto» and modern German lyrics of R. Döhl, G.K. Atrmann and E. Yandl. The author uses the methods of stylistic, contextual and cognitive analysis and concludes that in each individual work of art, intertextuality acquires new meanings, the emergence of which is due to the author's special vision; among them – falsification of intertext, imitation of cinematic text, graphic representation of intertextual images, etc. Thus, postmodern literature and intertextuality open up new opportunities for research.
2. Vorwort
3. Janzin, Güntner 2006 – Janzin M., Güntner J. (2006) Das Buch vom Buch. 5000 Jahre Buchgeschichte. 3 überarb. u. erw. auflage. Hannover: Schlütersche, 512 p. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/20852592.
4. Understanding Chuck Palahniuk
5. Das postmoderne asthetische Tableau und seine Beziehungen zu Leben und Denken