Factors of the efficiency of the life of students


Vinogradova G. A.ORCID


The development of modern society, the events taking place in it, determine the nature of changes in the rules of life. There is a social demand to search for internal resources that can improve the efficiency of life, including the most active part of it students. Society needs active, successful young people and the educational process at the university can stimulate their development. Self-efficacy, social desirability and awareness are considered as factors of the effectiveness of life of young people. Self-efficacy, as a cognitive characteristic, can contribute to or, conversely, hinder the achievement of goals and the implementation of plans. Social desirability is determined by the degree of severity of the orientation of young people to the approval or censure of society. Awareness of yourself, your capabilities allows young people to build life plans and implement them. The results of the study prove a positive relationship of self-efficacy with social desirability and awareness, which can affect self-efficacy. The analysis of the results allowed us to give a typological characterization of students with different levels of life efficiency, which was successfully used by us during the implementation of the course Psychology of personal and professional effectiveness. Taking into account psychological factors will allow you to regulate the process of student life during the educational process.


Samara National Research University

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