1. Mechnikov North-West Medical State University; Saint-Petersburg State University
2. Institute of Osteopathy; Privolzhsky Research Medical University
3. Federal Scientifi c Center of Rehabilitation of Disabled named after G. A. Albrecht; Saint-Petersburg Electrotechnical University «LETI» named after V. I. Ulyanov
4. Mechnikov North-West Medical State University; Federal Scientifi c Center of Rehabilitation of Disabled named after G. A. Albrecht
5. Saint-Petersburg State University
Introduction. The main tool of the osteopathic physician, which carries out most of the diagnostic and therapeutic actions, is the hands. To conduct scientifi c research in osteopathy, it is necessary to understand the nature of the impact and its quantitative characteristics, in particular, the pressure force of the physician′s hands on the patient′s body. In the available literature, it was possible to fi nd single instrumental studies of the pressure force of the osteopath′s hands during performing cranial techniques. Similar studies about the performance of other techniques could not be found in the available literature.Aims: to measure by an instrumental method the pressure force of the osteopath hands during various osteopathic techniques (cranial, visceral, structural).Materials and methods. The study was conducted on the basis of the Mokhov Institute of Osteopathy Clinic in January 2023. The study involved 6 lecturers of the Institute of Osteopathy (St. Petersburg), their experience as an osteopath is at least 5 years; the age is from 33 to 53 years. As patients, the residents of the Osteopathy Department of Mechnikov North-West Medical State University were involved. There were 2 men and 4 women, aged from 24 to 26 years, with a normosthenic constitution and a body mass index from 19,5 to 24. The following devices were used to measure the pressure strength of the osteopathic physician′s hands: Fsr402 resistive pressure sensors (Arduino Italy) and A402 (Tekscan USA), FlexiForce Prototyping Kit with FlexiForce MicroView software (Tekscan USA), and a device for determining skin elasticity and human skin scars (strain gauge attached to a caliper, Patent RU 2763 843 C1). Each physician demonstrated several osteopathic techniques on one patient. During the execution of each technique, three measurements were made, and the arithmetic mean was calculated. Structural, visceral and cranial techniques of osteopathic correction were performed.Results. The Friedman test showed a statistically signifi cant difference in pressure strength for different techniques (p<0,01). The greatest pressure force was measured during the mobilization of the descending colon (3,6±0,3 Newton); the minimum force was measured during the mobilization of the thoracic spine in the extension (1,5±0,3 Newton). When performing each technique, there was a range (the difference between the minimum and maximum values) between physicians from 0,95 Newton for performing a frontal bone lift to 1,8 Newton for mobilizing the sigmoid colon. Conclusion. The pilot study showed that during performing different techniques, the pressure strength of the osteopathic physician′s hands differed signifi cantly. It is advisable to continue the study on a more representative sample.> <0,01). The greatest pressure force was measured during the mobilization of the descending colon (3,6±0,3 Newton); the minimum force was measured during the mobilization of the thoracic spine in the extension (1,5±0,3 Newton). When performing each technique, there was a range (the difference between the minimum and maximum values) between physicians from 0,95 Newton for performing a frontal bone lift to 1,8 Newton for mobilizing the sigmoid colon.Conclusion. The pilot study showed that during performing different techniques, the pressure strength of the osteopathic physician′s hands differed signifi cantly. It is advisable to continue the study on a more representative sample.
The Institute of the Osteopathy and Holistic Medicine
Complementary and Manual Therapy,Complementary and alternative medicine,Medicine (miscellaneous)
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