1. Institute of Food and Beverage Innovation Zurich University of Applied Sciences Einsiedlerstrasse 34 8820 Wädenswil Switzerland
SummaryThe number of people buying gluten‐free breads and baked goods is increasing. To optimise the quality of gluten‐free breads, fat and additives are still often used. This project investigated whether the use of particle‐stabilised foams could eliminate or at least reduce the need for large amounts of fat and additives in gluten‐free toast bread. Hence, particle‐stabilised foams were added to bread doughs, kneaded in, baked and then analysed. The breads containing particle‐stabilised foams had no significant difference in firmness nor in adhesiveness compared to gluten‐free toast bread with additives or to the gluten‐containing bread. While the volume of the toast bread containing foam was lower than for the gluten containing reference toast bread, it had up to 2.0–2.5 times the volume than the gluten‐free bread reference without additives. These results showed a positive influence of the use of particle‐stabilised foams in gluten‐free bread without addition of additives.
Innosuisse - Schweizerische Agentur für Innovationsförderung
Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering,Food Science