Infestation intensity by the invasive oak lace bug, Corythucha arcuata (Say) in mixed and pure oak stands


Hoch Gernot1ORCID,Stemmelen Alex2,Eötvös Csaba Béla3,Hinterstoisser Werner1,Lanšćak Miran4,Stojnić Srđan5,Tóth Máté6,Westergren Marjana7,Zidar Simon7,Zlatković Milica5,Zoric Nikola4,de Groot Maarten7ORCID


1. BFW – Austrian Research Centre for Forests Vienna Austria

2. INRAE, Bordeaux Sciences Agro, ISVV, SAVE Villenave d'Ornon France

3. Forest Research Institute University of Sopron Szombathely Hungary

4. Croatian Forest Research Institute Jastrebarsko Croatia

5. Institute of Lowland Forestry and Environment (ILFE) University of Novi Sad Novi Sad Serbia

6. University of Sopron Sopron Hungary

7. Slovenian Forestry Institute Ljubljana Slovenia


AbstractThere has been accumulating evidence for effects of tree species composition on herbivory with many examples of lower damage by specialist feeders in tree species rich forests. In a joint study in five Central and Southeastern European countries, we studied the effect of tree species richness on infestation intensity of the oak lace bug, Corythucha arcuata (Say) (Heteroptera, Tingidae), an invasive pest on oak trees that has spread rapidly across the Balkan Peninsula and Central Europe. Intensity of infestation by C. arcuata on oaks was assessed on three or four study plots with high (pure stands) and three or four plots with low percentage of oak (mixed stands) in each country. Ordinal regression analysis showed that intensity of infestation of trees by C. arcuata differed between countries; no significant effect of stand type (mixed or pure) on infestation levels was detected. When analysing the percentage of trees in the highest infestation class, stand type had a significant effect with more intensive infestation in pure stands. We conclude that mixed stands will not prevent severe infestation but may help mitigating the impact of established C. arcuata populations.


National Research, Development and Innovation Office




Insect Science,Agronomy and Crop Science







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