1. 1. Trading Standards Institute (2003 ) Consumer Education in the UK. Trading Standards Institute , Essex.
2. 2. National Consumer Council (2003 ) Creating Consumer Confidence: Consultation on Consumer Education.London. [WWW document]. URL http://www.ncc.org.uk/policy/education.htm (accessed 28 May 2003).
3. 3. Department of Trade and Industry (2003 ) Consumer and Competition Policy Directorate Website. [WWW document]. URL http://www.dti.gov.uk/ccp/topics1/advice.htm (accessed 28 May 2003).
4. 4. National Consumer Council (2001 ) Consumer Education: Beyond Consumer Information. National Consumer Council , London.
5. 5. Office of Fair Trading (2000 ) Consumer Detriment. Office of Fair Trading , London.