1. G. O. BUCOVE, and G. PIGOTT, 1976 . Pilot Plant Production of a Functional Protein from Fish Waste by Enzymatic Digestion , Proceedings of the 7th Annual Symposium on Food Process Wastes.
2. G. O. BUCOVE, 1976 . Laboratory and pilot plant studies to improve utilization of fish and fish waste . M.S. Thesis , University of Washington, Seattle, Washington.
3. G. M. DREOSTI, 1973 . The Future of Powdered Products , Report of the Technical Conference on Fishery Products, FAO Fisheries Rpt. No. 146.
4. FAO., 1974 . Yearbook Fisheries Statistics , Vol. 37, No. 2, Disposition of the World Catch, A-1.
5. Fish protein for human foods