1. AOAC , 1980 : Official Methods of Analysis . (13th ED) . Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, Washington, DC. 1018 pp.
2. R. B. Barnett, R. L. Stanley, W. P. Chapman, and R. L. Stith, 1971 : Triticale: A New Feed and Forage Crop for Florida . Sunshine State Agric. Res. (Jul.-Sep.) p.12 .
3. Certain Characteristics of Cool-Season Annual Forages and Their Relationships to Performance by Growing Beef Calves
4. J. Bingham, 1971 : Physiological objectives in breeding for grain yields in wheat. Proc. 6th Eucarpia Congr., Cambridge, pp.15 -19 .
5. Agronomic Performance and Protein Content of Fall‐planted Triticale, Wheat, and Rye