1. M.J. Antinone, 1990 . Diacetyl in cottage cheese: its presence, determination, and microbial reduction by several spoilage bacteria . M.S. thesis , Cornell University, Ithaca, New York.
2. M.J. Antinone, H.T. Lawless, R.A. Ledford, and S. Glatter, 1990 . Unpublished data. Dept. of Food Science, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
3. ASTM, 1993 . Standard practice for defining and calculating individual and group thresholds from forced-choice data sets in intermediate size (E-1432).Annual Book of Standards15.07: 72 -79 .
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5. Effect of Other Flavor Components on the Perception of Diacetyl in Fermented Dairy Products