1. Reasoning with cases and hypotheticals in HYPO
2. K.D. Ashley, and V. Aleven (1991 ) A Computational Approach to Explaining Case-Based Concepts of Relevance in a Tutorial Context . Proceedings of DARPA Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning. pp.257 -268 Morgan-Kaufmann, Los Altos, CA.
3. K.D. Ashley, and V. Aleven (1992 ) Generating Dialectical Examples Automatically . Proceedings Tenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI-92. pp. 654 -660 . AAAI Press/MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
4. Automated generation of examples for a tutorial in case-based argumentation
5. R. Bariess (1991 ) The Story Archive: A Memory for Case-Based Tutoring . Proceedings of DARPA Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning. pp.269 -279 . Morgan-Kaufmann, Los Altos, CA.