1. Author Morris is with USDA-ARS Western Wheat Quality Laboratory; E-202 Food Quality East, Washington State Univ; P.O. Box 646394 Pullman WA U.S.A
2. Author Fuerst is with Dept. of Crop & Soil Sciences; Washington State Univ; Pullman WA U.S.A
3. Author McLean was with Dept. of Animal Science; Center for Reproductive Biology; Washington State Univ; Pullman WA U.S.A.
4. and is currently with Prince Agri Products; Corvallis OR U.S.A
5. Author Momont was with School of Food Science; Univ. of Idaho; Moscow, ID, U.S.A. and Washington State Univ; Pullman WA U.S.A.
6. and currently is with Darigold; Portland OR U.S.A
7. Author James was with School of Food Science; Univ. of Idaho; Moscow ID U.S.A
8. and Washington State Univ; Pullman WA U.S.A
9. and is currently with Washington State Dept. of Agriculture; Food Safety & Consumer Services; Olympia WA U.S.A