The resilience of the pork supply chain to a food safety outbreak: The case of dioxins


Focker Marlous1ORCID,van Wagenberg Coen2,van Asselt Esther1,van der Fels‐Klerx H. J.1


1. Wageningen Food Safety Research (WFSR), Wageningen University & Research Wageningen The Netherlands

2. Wageningen Economic Research (WecR), Wageningen University & Research Wageningen The Netherlands


AbstractFood supply chains are constantly challenged by food safety hazards entering the chain. The ability of the supply chain to provide safe food within a reasonable time after such a food safety threat or shock can be investigated with the concept of resilience using food safety as an indicator. Resilience is then defined as the food safety performance deviation due to the shock and takes both the severity of the shock as well as the time to fully recover or reach a new equilibrium into account. This study developed a stochastic simulation model to evaluate the resilience of the Dutch pork supply chain to dioxin contamination in the feed. The resilience of the supply chain as well as the potential costs associated with the contamination are compared between several monitoring strategies with the aim to determine the optimal control points for dioxin monitoring. Model results show that collecting and analyzing samples at more than one control point along the pork supply chain, in particular at feed mills and fat melting facilities, resulted in the highest resilience and the lowest costs after a shock. This model and these results can be used by public and private decision makers to make proactive and informed decisions on the monitoring strategies to control dioxins in the pork supply chain that result in optimal resilience to a dioxin crises.


Ministerie van Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit




Physiology (medical),Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality

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