1. C. S. Benson, 1969 . The seasonal snow cover of arctic Alaska. - Arctic inst. North America (AINA) Res. Paper No. 51 .
2. W. P. Brosge, H. N. Reiser, J. T. Dutro, and R. L. Detterman, 1979 . Bedrock geologic map of the Philip Smith Mountains quadrangle, Alaska. - U.S. Geol. Surv., Misc. Field Studies Map MF-879 B, Scale 1:250000, 2 sheets.
3. W. A. Brower, H. F. Diaz, A. S. Prechtel, H. W. Searby, and J. L. Wise, 1977 . Climatic atlas of the Outer Continental Shelf water and coastal regions of Alaska, Vol. III, Chukchi-Beaufort Sea. - N.O.A.A. Alaska Outer Cont. Shelf Env. Assess. Prog.
4. J. H. Conover, 1960 . Macro- and microclimatology of the Arctic Slope of Alaska. - Quartermaster Res. Eng. Center, Env. Protection Eng. Div., U.S. Army Tech. Rept EP-139, Natick, MA.