1. Terrestrial Zoology Naturalis Biodiversity Centre postbus 9517 2300 CC Leiden The Netherlands
2. Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystems Dynamics (IBED) –Computational Geo‐Ecology University of Amsterdam Science Park 904 1098 HX Amsterdam The Netherlands
3. European Invertebrate Survey – The Netherlands postbus 9517 2300 RA Leiden The Netherlands
4. De Vlinderstichting/Dutch Butterfly Conservation P.O. Box 506 6700 AM Wageningen The Netherlands
5. Laboratory of Entomology Wageningen University P.O. Box 8031 6700 EH Wageningen The Netherlands
6. Institute of Integrative and Comparative Biology University of Leeds Leeds LS2 9JT UK
7. Departamento de Ecologia Universidade de Brasília Campus Universitário Darcy Ribeiro 70910‐900 Brasília ‐ DF Brazil