Selective Reduction: “A Soft Cover for Hard Choices” or Another Name for Abortion?


Rao Radhika


Selective reduction, also known as multifetal pregnancy reduction (MFPR), is the practice of terminating one or more fetuses to reduce a multiple pregnancy, e.g., from quadruplets to twins or a singleton. Selective reduction and abortion both involve the destruction of fetal life, but they are classified by different designations to underscore the notion that they are regarded as fundamentally different medical procedures: the two are performed using distinct techniques by different types of physicians, upon women under very different circumstances, in order to further dramatically different objectives. For these reasons, the two procedures appear to call for a distinct moral calculus, and they have traditionally evoked contradictory reactions from society — sympathetic responses towards selective reduction, which is perceived as a difficult but “responsible” choice vs. stigmatizing or even punitive approaches towards abortion, which is deemed an immoral action.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Health Policy,General Medicine,Issues, ethics and legal aspects

Reference64 articles.

1. “Selective Reduction: An Unfortunate Misnomer,”;Berkowitz;Obstetrics and Gynecology,1990

2. 50 See Padawer, , supra note 7.

3. 51 Of the 36 states which define abortion as the termination of pregnancy, 24 adopt language that is virtually identical to the Women's Right to Know Act, a model statute proposed by the Americans United for Life. See, e.g., Alabama (Code of Ala. Section 26–23E-3); Alaska (Alaska Stat. Section 18.16.090); Arizona (A.R.S. Section 36–2151); Arkansas (A.C.A. Section 23−79–156); Delaware (24 Del. C. Section 1782); Georgia (O.C.G.A. Section 31–9A-2); Idaho (Idaho Code Section 18–604); Illinois (750 ILCS 70/10); Kansas (K.S.A. 2013 Supp. 65–4a01); Louisiana (La. R.S. 40:1299.35.1); Massachusetts (ALM GL Section 333.17015); Michigan (MCLS Section 333.17015); Minnesota (Minn. Stat. Section 145.4241); Montana (50-20-104 MCA); New Hampshire (RSA 132.32); North Carolina (N.C. Gen. Stat. Section 90–21.81); North Dakota (N.D. Cent. Code Section 14–02.1–02); Oklahoma (63 Okl. St. Section 1–730); Pennsylvania (18 Pa. C.S. Section 3203); South Carolina (S.C. Code Ann. Section 44-41-10); South Dakota (S.D. Codified Laws Section 34–23A-1); Texas (Tex. Health & Safety Code Section 171.002); West Virginia (W.Va. Code Section 16-21-1); Wisconsin (Wis. Stat. Section 253.10). The remaining 12 states do not adopt the exact wording of the Women's Right to Know Act, but still focus upon the termination of pregnancy, rather than the termination of fetal life. See, e.g., California (Cal. Health & Safety Code Section 123464); Colorado (C.R.S. 12–37.5–103); Florida (Fla. Stat. Section 390.011); Indiana (Burns Ind. Code Ann. Section 27-8-33-1); Iowa (Iowa Code Section 146.1); Kentucky (KRS 311.720); Nevada (NRS 442.240); Ohio (ORC Ann. 2919.11); Rhode Island (Gen R.I., Laws Section 23–4.7–1); Washington (Rev. Code Wash. ARCW Section 9.02.170)

4. 47 See Mundy, , supra note 2.

5. 58 See Wyo. Stat. Section 35-6-101.

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1. Clash of the Titans: Escalating Conflict Between Surrogacy Contract Provisions and the Recriminalization of Abortion;Journal of Women, Politics & Policy;2024-01-21

2. Abortion;Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy;2023

3. Fetal reduction;Clinical Ethics At the Crossroads of Genetic and Reproductive Technologies;2023

4. Twin pregnancy, fetal reduction and the 'all or nothing problem’;Journal of Medical Ethics;2020-12-21

5. Negotiating risk and choice in multifetal pregnancies;Social Science & Medicine;2020-05







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