1. Bearing Children, Bearing Risks: Feminist Leadership for Progressive Regulation of Compensated Surrogacy in the United States Symposium: Compensated Surrogacy in the Age of Windsor: Symposium Essays;Ainsworth Sara L.;Washington Law Review,2014
2. Baumgaertner Emily. 2022. “She Promised Babies at Bargain Prices Using Surrogates in Mexico. Now the FBI is Investigating.” Los Angeles Times July 10. https://www.latimes.com/world-nation/story/2022-07-10/she-promised-customers-babies-on-the-cheap-using-surrogates-in-mexico-what-could-go-wrong
3. Berk, Hillary L. 2013. The Legalization of Emotion: Risk, Gender, and the Management of Feeling in Contracts for Surrogate Labor. Berkeley: University of California Press.
4. The Legalization of Emotion: Managing Risk by Managing Feelings in Contracts for Surrogate Labor
5. Savvy Surrogates and Rock Star Parents: Compensation Provisions, Contracting Practices, and the Value of Womb Work