1. 1. For a review seeL. B. Spector, and P. D. Boyer (1972 ) inThe Enzymes , 3rd edn () vol. 7 , pp.378 -389 , Academic Press, New York and London.
2. 2. For a review seeP. A. Srere, B. L. Horecker, and E. R. Stadtman (1973 ) inCurrent Topics in Cellular Regulation () vol. 5 , pp.229 -245 , Academic Press, New York and London.
3. Acetyl-CoA-Dependent Cleavage of Citrate on Inactivated Citrate Lyase
4. 4. P. Dimroth (1975 ) FEBS Lett, in press.
5. The Acyl-Carrier Protein of Citrate Lyase