1. 1. Stacey, W. A. , Stigall, S. , & Findley, D. Longitudinal study of social psychological and behavioral correlates to energy crisis. Paper presented at the meeting of the Southwestern Sociological Association, 1978.
2. 2. Zuiches, J. J. Acceptability of energy policies to mid-Michigan familes. Unpublished manuscript, Michigan State University Agricultural Experiment Station research report 298, 1976a.
3. 3. Honnold, J. A. , & Nelson, L. D. Voluntary rationing of scarce resources: Some implications of an experimental study. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Sociological Association, 1976.
4. 4. Zuiches, J. J. Coercion and policy acceptance: The case of energy policies. Paper presented at the meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, 1976b.
5. 5. Montgomery, D. B. , & Leonard-Barton, D. Toward strategies for marketing home energy conservation. Unpublished manuscript, Stanford University Graduate School of Business, 1977.