1. If pB = .70. pw= .80 are the black and white selection rates, then the absolute difference is 10%. The rejection rates qB = 1 -pe = .30, qw = 1 -pw = .20, also have an absolute difference of .30 - .20 = 10%. On the other hand, pB/pw = .70/.80= .875, while qw/qB = .20/.30= .67.
2. While there are examples where the one-sided, two-sided issue has surfaced in court we do not regard the matter as one of great import. For further discussion, and some useful cautionary notes on the use of one-sided tests, see Freedman, infra note 68, at 494–96.
3. A case in this domain but where the sample sizes are less and disparity is great, resulting in a borderline situation, is Reynolds v. Sheet Metal Workers Local 102, 498 F. Supp. 952, 960, 965 (D.D.C. 1980), where, of 44 black and 80 nonblack applicants to an apprenticeship training program, 14 blacks and 41 (51.3%) nonblacks were selected. The selection rates were pB=.318, pw = .513; the ratio is .621 (the reported calculations in the opinion are in error). The one-sided two-sample binomial test shows significance at the .029 level, which is a bit larger than the .025 standard. Strictly speaking, neither the 80% rule nor the two-sample binomial would find disparity. The court agonized about the .025 standard and decided on the basis of collateral evidence and the inessentiality of such a precise standard that a prima facie case was established.
4. 102 S. Ct. 2525 (1982).
5. Even if the employer adopts an affirmative action policy to make the proportions equal, the holding in Teal suggests that the use of nonvalidated tests is prohibited.