Psychophysiological Detection of Deception


Honts Charles R.1


1. Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of North Dakota.


SAGE Publications


General Psychology

Reference14 articles.

1. Polygraph admissibility: Changes and challenges.

2. Most private-sector industrial uses were outlawed by the Employee Polygraph Protection Act ni 1988. Public Law 100-347. 29 U.S.C. s2001 (1988). For a review of the industrial uses of the polygraph test, see C.R Honts, The emperor's new clothes: Applications of polygraph tests in the American workplace, forensic Reports. 4, 91-116 (1991). PDD examinations are also used In other countries; for a review, see G.H. Barland, The polygraph test in the US and elsewhere, in The Polygraph Test. Lies, Truth, and Science, A. Gale, Ed. (Sage. Beverly Hills. CA. 1988).

3. The anti-PDD side of this debate is typified by D. I. Lykken. A Iremor in the Blood: Uses and Abuses of the Lie Defector (McGraw-Hill, New York. 1981). and G. Ben-Shakhar and J.J. Furedy, Theories and Application in the Dctection of Deception (Springer-Verlag, New York, 1990). The more pro-PDD side of the debate is typified by J.C. Kircher, S.W. Horowitz. and D.C. Raskin, Metaanalysis of mock crime studies of the control question polygraph technique. Law and Human Behavior. 12. 79-90 (1988): and D.C. Raskin, Polygraph techniques for the detection of deception, in Psychological Methods in Criminal Investigation and Evidence, D.C. Raskin. Ed. (Springer, New York. 1989).

4. The anti-PDD side of this debate is typified by D. I. Lykken. A Iremor in the Blood: Uses and Abuses of the Lie Defector (McGraw-Hill, New York. 1981). and G. Ben-Shakhar and J.J. Furedy, Theories and Application in the Dctection of Deception (Springer-Verlag, New York, 1990). The more pro-PDD side of the debate is typified by J.C. Kircher, S.W. Horowitz. and D.C. Raskin, Metaanalysis of mock crime studies of the control question polygraph technique. Law and Human Behavior. 12. 79-90 (1988): and D.C. Raskin, Polygraph techniques for the detection of deception, in Psychological Methods in Criminal Investigation and Evidence, D.C. Raskin. Ed. (Springer, New York. 1989).

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