Diagnostic criteria for temporomandibular disorders— INfORM recommendations: Comprehensive and short‐form adaptations for children


Nilsson Ing‐Marie12ORCID,Ekberg EwaCarin1,Michelotti Ambrosina3,Al‐Khotani Amal45ORCID,Alstergren Per156,Conti Paulo Cesar Rodrigues78ORCID,Durham Justin9,Goulet Jean‐Paul10,Hirsch Christian11,Kalaykova Stanimira12,Kapos Flavia P.13ORCID,King Christopher D.141516,Komiyama Osamu17,Koutris Michail18,List Thomas15,Lobbezoo Frank18ORCID,Ohrbach Richard19ORCID,Palermo Tonya M.1320,Peck Christopher C.21,Penlington Chris9ORCID,Restrepo Claudia22,Rodrigues Maria Joao23,Sharma Sonia119ORCID,Svensson Peter24,Visscher Corine18ORCID,Wahlund Kerstin25ORCID,Rongo Roberto3ORCID,


1. Department of Orofacial Pain and Jaw Function, Faculty of Odontology Malmö University Malmö Sweden

2. Center for Oral Rehabilitation, FTV Östergötland Norrköping Sweden

3. School of Orthodontics, Department of Neurosciences, Reproductive Sciences and Oral Sciences University of Naples Federico II Naples Italy

4. Dental Department East Jeddah Hospital, Ministry of Health Jeddah Saudi Arabia

5. Scandinavian Center for Orofacial Neurosciences Malmö Sweden

6. Dental Department of Dental Medicine Karolinska Institutet Huddinge Sweden

7. Department of Prosthodontics and Periodontology Bauru School of Dentistry ‐ University of São Paulo Bauru Brazil

8. Bauru Orofacial Pain Group University of São Paulo Bauru Brazil

9. Newcastle School of Dental Sciences Newcastle University Newcastle upon Tyne UK

10. Faculty of Dental Medicine Laval University Quebec Canada

11. Clinic of Pediatric Dentistry University of Leipzig Leipzig Germany

12. Department of Oral Function and Prosthetic Dentistry, College of Dental Sciences Radboud University Medical Center Nijmegen The Netherlands

13. Center for Child Health, Behavior and Development Seattle Children's Research Institute Seattle Washington USA

14. Division of Behavioral Medicine and Clinical Psychology Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Cincinnati Ohio USA

15. Center for Understanding Pediatric Pain (CUPP) Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Cincinnati Ohio USA

16. Department of Pediatrics University of Cincinnati College of Medicine Cincinnati Ohio USA

17. Department of Oral Function and Fixed Prosthodontics Nihon University School of Dentistry at Matsudo Japan

18. Department of Orofacial pain and Dysfunction, Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA) University of Amsterdam and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Amsterdam The Netherlands

19. Department of Oral Diagnostic Sciences University at Buffalo Buffalo New York USA

20. Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine University of Washington School of Medicine Seattle Washington USA

21. Faculty of Medicine and Health The University of Sydney Sydney Australia

22. CES‐LPH Research Group Universidad CES Medellin Colombia

23. Institute for Occlusion and Orofacial Pain, Faculty of Medicine University of Coimbra Coimbra Portugal

24. Section for Orofacial Pain and Jaw Function, School of Dentistry and Oral Health Aarhus Denmark

25. Department of Orofacial Pain and Jaw Function Kalmar County Hospital Kalmar Sweden




General Dentistry








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