A randomised phase II study of azacitidine ( AZA ) alone or with Lenalidomide ( LEN ), Valproic acid ( VPA ) or Idarubicin ( IDA ) in higher‐Risk MDS or low blast AML : GFM 's “pick a winner” trial, with the impact of somatic mutations


Adès Lionel1ORCID,Duployez Nicolas2,Guerci‐Bresler Agnes3,Laribi Kamel4ORCID,Peterlin Pierre5ORCID,Vey Norbert6ORCID,Thepot Sylvain7,Wickenhauser Stefan8,Zerazhi Hacene9,Stamatoullas Aspassia10ORCID,Wattel Eric11,Recher Christian12,Toma Andrea13,Dimicoli‐Salazar Sophie14,Braun Thorsten15,Beyne‐Rauzy Odile12,Marolleau Jean‐Pierre16,Cheze Stéphane17,Park Sophie18ORCID,Cluzeau Thomas19,Nimubona Stanislas20,Bordessoule Dominique21,Benramdane Riad22,Quesnel Bruno23,Amé Shanti24,de Botton Stéphane25,Chermat Fathia26,Preudhomme Claude2,Chevret Sylvie27,Fenaux Pierre1ORCID


1. Hématologie Sénior Hôpital Saint Louis Assistance publique hôpitaux de paris, and Université de Paris Cité Paris France

2. Lille University Hospital Lille and INSERM UMR‐S 1277 Lille France

3. Department of Hematology Nancy University Hospital Nancy France

4. Centre Hospitalier‐Le Mans Le Mans France

5. Hematology Department Nantes University Hospital Nantes France

6. Institut Paoli Calmette Marseille France

7. Hematology Department Angers University Hospital Angers France

8. Hematology Department CHU de Nîmes Nîmes France

9. Hematology Department Centre Hospitalier d'Avignon Avignon, Fran France

10. Hematology Department Centre Henri Becquerel Rouen France

11. Hematology Department Lyon University Hospital Lyon France

12. Hematology Department Toulouse University Hospital Toulouse France

13. Hematology Department Creteil, University Hospital Creteil France

14. Hematology Department University Hospital of Bordeaux Pessac France

15. Hematology Department Hôpital Avicenne Assistance publique hôpitaux de paris, and Université Paris 13 Bobigny France

16. Hematology Department Amiens, University Hospital Amiens France

17. Hematology Department Caen, University Hospital Caen France

18. Hematology Department Grenoble, University Hospital Grenoble France

19. Hematology Department Nice, University Hospital Nice France

20. Hematology Department Rennes, University Hospital Rennes France

21. Hematology Department Limoges, University Hospital Limoges France

22. Department of Hematology Centre Hospitalier Pontoise France

23. Univ. Lille, CNRS, Inserm, CHU Lille, UMR9020, UMR‐S 1277 Lille France

24. Hematology Department Strasbourg, University Hospital Strasbourg France

25. Institut Gustave Roussy Villejuif France

26. Groupe Francophone des myélodysplasies Paris France

27. Biostatistics and Clinical Epidemiology Research Team (ECSTRRA), INSERM UMR‐1153 (CRESS) Université de Paris Paris France












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