1. Clinical R & D Cadila Healthcare Limited The Zydus Group Ahmedabad India
2. Malpani Multispecialty Hospital Jaipur India
3. Medipoint Hospital Pvt. Ltd. Pune India
4. Rathi Orthopaedic and Research Centre Ahmedabad India
5. Department of Orthopedics Unit‐2 King George Hospital Visakhapatnam India
6. Shalby Hospital Ahmedabad India
7. Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology Service AIIMS New Delhi India
8. SP Medical College & Associated Group of Hospitals Bikaner India
9. Omkar Heart Institute & Nursing Home & Rheumatology Clinic Nasik India
10. B J Medical College and Sassoon General Hospital Pune India
11. Sushruta Multispecialty Hospital and Research Centre Pvt. Ltd. Vidyanagar, Hubli India
12. DMC & Hospital Ludhiana India