1. Research Centre Autonomy and Participation for Persons with a Chronic Illness; Faculty of Health; Zuyd University of Applied Science; Heerlen The Netherlands
2. Department of Occupational Therapy; Faculty of Health; Zuyd University of Applied Science; Heerlen The Netherlands
3. Department of Rehabilitation Medicine; CAPHRI, School for Public Health and Primary Care; Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences; Maastricht University; Maastricht The Netherlands
4. Partner of NetChild, University Network for Childhood Disability Research in the Netherlands; Utrecht The Netherlands
5. Department of General Practice; CAPHRI, School for Public Health and Primary Care; Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences; Maastricht University; Maastricht The Netherlands
6. Department of Special Education; Faculty of Social Sciences; Utrecht University; Utrecht The Netherlands
7. Department of Neonatology; Wilhemina Children's Hospital; University Medical Center Utrecht; Utrecht The Netherlands
8. Brain Center Rudolf Magnus and Center of Excellence for Rehabilitation Medicine; University Medical Center Utrecht and De Hoogstraat Rehabilitation; Utrecht The Netherlands
9. Adelante Centre of Expertise in Rehabilitation; Hoensbroek The Netherlands