1. The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission. Encouraging Medicare beneficiaries to use higher quality post‐acute care providers. MEDPAC; 2018.http://www.medpac.gov/docs/default‐source/reports/jun18_ch5_medpacreport_sec.pdf?sfvrsn=0. Accessed August 7 2018.
2. The Revolving Door Of Rehospitalization From Skilled Nursing Facilities
3. The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission. Skilled nursing facility services: Assessing payment adequacy and updating payments. 2018.http://www.medpac.gov/docs/default-source/reports/mar18_medpac_ch8_sec.pdf?sfvrsn=0. Accessed August 7 2018.
4. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. The Skilled Nursing Facility Value‐Based Purchasing Program (SNF VBP). 2018.https://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Quality‐Initiatives‐Patient‐Assessment‐Instruments/Value‐Based‐Programs/Other‐VBPs/SNF‐VBP.html. Accessed August 8 2018
5. Readmission Rates After Passage of the Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program