Clinical contraindications to allergen immunotherapy: an EAACI position paper


Pitsios C.1,Demoly P.23,Bilò M. B.4,Gerth van Wijk R.5,Pfaar O.67,Sturm G. J.8,Rodriguez del Rio P.9,Tsoumani M.10,Gawlik R.11,Paraskevopoulos G.12,Ruëff F.13,Valovirta E.14,Papadopoulos N. G.1516,Calderón M. A.17


1. Department of Nutrition and Dietetics; Harokopio University; Athens Greece

2. Département de Pneumologie et Addictologie; Hôpital Arnaud de Villeneuve; University Hospital of Montpellier; Montpellier France

3. UPMC Paris 06; UMR-S 1136; IPLESP; Equipe EPAR; Sorbonne Universités; Paris France

4. Allergy Unit; Department of Internal Medicine; University Hospital; Ancona Italy

5. Department of Internal Medicine; Section of Allergology; Erasmus MC; Rotterdam The Netherlands

6. Center for Rhinology and Allergology; Wiesbaden Germany

7. Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery; Universitätsmedizin Mannheim; Medical Faculty Mannheim; Heidelberg University; Mannheim Germany

8. Department of Dermatology and Venerology; Medical University of Graz; Graz Austria

9. Allergy Section; Children's University Hospital “Niño Jesús”; Madrid Spain

10. Centre for Respiratory Medicine and Allergy; University Hospital of South Manchester; The University of Manchester; Manchester Academic Health Science Centre; Manchester UK

11. Department of Internal Medicine, Allergy and Clinical Immunology; Medical University of Silesia; Katowice Poland

12. Allergy Outpatient Clinic; 401 General Military Hospital of Athens; Athens Greece

13. Department of Dermatology and Allergology; Ludwig-Maximilians University; Munich Germany

14. Department of Lung Diseases and Clinical Allergology; University of Turku; Turku Finland

15. Allergy Department; 2nd Pediatric Clinic; University of Athens; Athens Greece

16. Center for Pediatrics & Child Health; Institute of Human Development; University of Manchester; Manchester UK

17. Section of Allergy and Clinical Immunology; Imperial College London; National Heart and Lung Institute and Royal Brompton Hospital NHS; London UK


European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology




Immunology,Immunology and Allergy







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