Number of growth days and not length of the growth period determines radial stem growth of temperate trees


Etzold Sophia1ORCID,Sterck Frank2ORCID,Bose Arun K.13ORCID,Braun Sabine4ORCID,Buchmann Nina5ORCID,Eugster Werner5ORCID,Gessler Arthur16,Kahmen Ansgar7ORCID,Peters Richard L.189ORCID,Vitasse Yann1ORCID,Walthert Lorenz1ORCID,Ziemińska Kasia110ORCID,Zweifel Roman1ORCID


1. Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL Birmensdorf Switzerland

2. Forest Ecology and Management Group Wageningen University Wageningen The Netherlands

3. Forestry and Wood Technology Discipline Khulna University Khulna Bangladesh

4. Institute of Applied Plant Biology AG Witterswil Switzerland

5. Department of Environmental Systems Science Institute of Agricultural Sciences ETH Zurich Zurich Switzerland

6. Department of Environmental Systems Science Institute of Terrestrial Ecosystems ETH Zurich Zurich Switzerland

7. Department of Environmental Science Physiological Plant Ecology University of Basel Basel Switzerland

8. Laboratory of Plant Ecology Ghent University Ghent Belgium

9. Forest is Life TERRA Teaching and Research Centre Gembloux Agro Bio‐Tech University of Liège Liège Belgium

10. Department of Plant Ecology and Evolution Uppsala University Uppsala Sweden


Bundesamt für Umwelt

Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung




Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

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