1. French Reference Centre for Inherited Epidermolysis Bullosa; Archet Hospital; BP 3079 06202 NICE Cedex3 France
2. INSERM U1081, CNRS UMR7284; Institute for Research on Cancer and Aging, Nice (IRCAN); University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, Faculty of Medicine; 28 Avenue Valombrose F-06107 Nice France
3. Competence Centre for Rare Skin Diseases; Department of Dermatology; CHU Nantes; Nantes France
4. Department of Dermatology; Saint Eloi Hospital; Montpellier France
5. French Reference Centre for Genetic Skin Disorders (MAGEC); CHU Necker for Sick Children; University-Paris Descartes; Institute Imagine; APHP; Paris France
6. Department of Dermatology; Fournier Hospital; Nancy France
7. Department of Genetics; Donostia Hospital; San Sebastian Spain
8. Regenerative Medicine Unit; Department of Bioengineering; CIEMAT and CIBER on Rare Diseases; Universidad Carlos III; Madrid Spain
9. Department of Dermatology; Estaing Hospital; Clermont-Ferrand France
10. National Centre for Rare Skin Disorders and Diseases; Pellegrin Enfants Hospital; Bordeaux France
11. Department of Pediatrics 2; Hautepierre Hospital; Strasbourg France
12. Reference Centre for Rare Skin Diseases; Department of Dermatology; Larrey Hospital; Toulouse France
13. Department of Dermatology; Pontchaillou Hospital; Rennes France
14. Department of Dermatology; Bocage Hospital; Dijon France