1. 1Kant's letter to Reinhold, May 12, 1789 , Kants gesammelte Schriften, Edited by the Koniglich preussischen Akademie, Berlin, 1902 ff. Vol. XI, p. 30.
2. 2H. J. Paton , Kant's Metaphysic ofExperience, London, 1936 , Vol. I , p.72 .
3. 3The role of the schematism in "laying the foundations of metaphysics" is, of course, asserted most emphatically by Martin Heidegger in Kant und das Problem der Metaphysik, Bonn, 1929. In what follows I shall be arguing for a similar role for the schematism, but 1 shall be basing my argument on a very different understanding of the nature of metaphysics than Heidegger's.
4. 4H. A. Prichard , Kant's Theory of Knowledge, Oxford, 1909 , pp.77 -82 .