1. Nutrition and Food Sciences Dept.; Univ. of Rhode Island; 530 Liberty Lane West Kingston RI 02892 U.S.A.
2. Nutrition and Food Sciences Dept.; Univ. of Rhode Island, Ranger Hall; Kingston RI 02881 U.S.A.
3. Simmering Soup, Inc.; 1800 Mendon Rd Cumberland RI 02864 U.S.A.
4. Food Science Dept.; Univ. of Massachusetts; Chenoweth Laboratory, Room 236 Amherst MA 01003 U.S.A.
5. Div. of Food Protection; Rhode Island Dept. of Health; Providence RI 02908 U.S.A.
6. ENVIRON International Corporation; 28 Amity St., Suite 2A Amherst MA 01002 U.S.A.
7. Consultant, 3 Todd Drive; Norton MA 02766 U.S.A.