1. Department of Lung Diseases Ghent University Hospital Gent Belgium
2. Department of Internal Medicine and Paediatrics Ghent University Ghent Belgium
3. Department of Paediatrics General Hospital Celje and University of Ljubljana Celje Slovenia
4. Department for Respiratory Disease Sahlgrenska University Hospital Centre for Sleep and Wake Disorders Sahlgrenska Academy Gothenburg University Gothenburg Sweden
5. Pulmonary Department Center for Investigation and Research in Sleep (CIRS) Lausanne University Hopital Lausanne Switzerland
6. School of Medicine University College Dublin Department of Respiratory and Sleep Medicine St Vincent’s Hospital Group Dublin Ireland
7. Interdisciplinary Sleep Medicine Center Charité University Hospital Berlin Berlin Germany
8. Russian Federation Saratov State University Saratov Russia
9. Institute of Pneumology at the University of Cologne Solingen Germany
10. Bethanien Hospital Clinic for Pneumology and Allergology Centre of Sleep Medicine and Respiratory Care Solingen Germany
11. Sleep Disorders Unit Department of Respiratory Medicine Medical School University of Crete Rethimno Greece
12. Department of Pulmonary Medicine Multidisciplinary Sleep Disorders Centre Antwerp University Hospital and University of Antwerp Antwerp Belgium
13. Department of Engineering Reykjavik University Reykjavik Iceland
14. Internal Medicine Services Landspitali – The National University Hospital of Iceland Reykjavik Iceland