1. Department of Dermatology Venereology and Allergology University Hospital Essen Germany
2. Nursing School University Hospital Tübingen Germany
3. Training and Consulting for Wound Management Spelle Germany
4. Innsbruck Austria
5. Nursing Academy Barmherzige Brüder Vienna Austria
6. Office for Wound Management University Hospital Düsseldorf Germany
7. State Hospital Melk Austria
8. WPM Wound Care Management Bad Pirawarth Austria
9. Dermatology Department University Hospital Zurich Switzerland
10. HES‐SO Technical College West Switzerland Geneva Switzerland
11. Institute for Health Services Research in Dermatology and Nursing CWC – Comprehensive Wound Center University Hospital Hamburg Germany
12. Department of Dermatology and Venereology State Hospital Feldkirch Austria
13. Surgery/Vascular Surgery FEBVS Phlebology SGP Vein Hospital Bellevue Kreuzlingen Switzerland
14. Charité Centrum 1 for Human and Health Sciences Charité –University Hospital Berlin Germany