1. 1“Standardized Ship Motion Prediction Tool for Use in the NAVSEC Design Process,” DTNSRDC Interim Progress Report SPD-1568, 15 June 1977.
2. 121 “DDGX Concept Design, Phase 1 Hull Form Alternatives Trade-Off Study,” NAVSEA Report C-3213-80-09, June 1980.
3. 3“Problem Analysis and Decision Making,” Kepner-Tregoe, Inc., 1973.
4. 4“On the Selection of the Characteristics of Energy-Efficient Destroyer-Type Hull Forms,” NAVSEA Report C-3213-80-16, draft of September 1980.
5. 5 Schaffer, R.L. and J.J. Slager , “Development of Optimum Hull Forms for Small Naval Frigates,” Hydro-nautics Technical Report 7805.03-1, draft of December 1979.