Half‐volume validation of the NGM Detect™ PCR Amplification Kit and its application on degraded casework samples


Magonyi Nóra M.1ORCID,Megadja Bálint2,Rádóczy Katalin A.1ORCID,Cseppentő Tamás1ORCID,Lőrincz Eszter É.1ORCID,Valis Norbert G.1,Mátrai Norbert1ORCID,Heinrich Attila1ORCID


1. Department of Genetics Hungarian Institute for Forensic Sciences Budapest Hungary

2. Department of Surgery Szent Margit Hospital Budapest Hungary


AbstractThe NGM Detect™ PCR Amplification Kit was designed particularly for genotyping degraded casework samples. This study aimed to validate the half‐volume amplification of the kit and to present its successful long‐term application. The validation was performed in accordance to the corresponding guidelines of the Scientific Working Group on DNA analysis methods and the European Network of Forensic Science Institutes. For validation parameters, such as sensitivity, reproducibility, and repeatability, polymerase chain reactions (PCR) were set up both manually and robotically, applying 29 cycles. For PCRs with sub‐optimal DNA input (≤0.5 ng) the cycle numbers were increased to 31. Regardless of the PCR preparation method, the optimal 0.5 ng DNA input produced optimal allelic peak heights with no allelic dropout. The first alleles that failed to amplify started to appear at the level of 0.0375 ng input DNA, although the manually prepared PCRs produced fewer missing alleles. In this case, the raised cycle number produced 1.9% and 4.4% of dropout for manually and for robotically set up PCRs, respectively. In the case of 84 degraded casework samples, PCRs were prepared only by hand. The kit was able to provide informative profiles for 78.57%, 70.37%, and 69.77% for lowly, moderately, and highly degraded samples, respectively. Allelic dropouts were 26.05%, 44.88%, and 51.23% for the same groups. According to our results, we strongly recommend using the NGM Detect™ Kit in half‐volume PCR system and encourage the usage of the kit in the particular cases when other kits fail to produce a complete DNA profile.



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