1. Department of Dermatology General Hospital of Le Mans Le Mans France
AbstractPressure ulcers (PUs) are one of the most important care‐related ailments, making their prevention a pressing concern for hospital structures. Epidemiology of PU is interesting to adapt human resources and observe the impact of targeted public health measures. Very few data are presented in the French literature. In this context, a dedicated “Pressure ulcer, Wounds and Healing” task force was created in 1996 by a multidisciplinary team of physicians, administrative staff, and paramedics in the CH of Le Mans. Alongside this, an annual prevalence study was performed between 1996 and 2019 in CH of Le Mans, collecting relevant data: the number of patients who presented pressure ulcers, the number of patients who were at risk of developing pressure ulcers, and the severity of these ulcers. This study brings new data about PU epidemiology in France and shows a significant decrease in the prevalence, becoming lower than the national prevalence. Also, a significant time‐related regression of the prevalence was observed, the severity level continually decreased whereas the number of geriatric patients grew and patients with PU's risk remained constant. Finally, the number of patients who developed a PU within the hospitalization decreased too. We observed a link between the creation of the task force and the evolution of pressure ulcer epidemiology, thus recommending that the same practices be adopted in other hospitals and fields of application.