1. Sydney Centre for Healthy Societies School of Social and Political Sciences The University of Sydney Sydney New South Wales Australia
2. Department of Sociology and Social Policy Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences The University of Sydney Sydney New South Wales Australia
3. Department of Political Science University of Vienna Vienna Austria
4. Department of Global Health & Social Medicine King’s College London London UK
5. School of Women’s and Children’s Health UNSW Medicine and HealthUNSW Sydney New South Wales Australia
6. Behavioural Sciences Unit Kids Cancer Centre Sydney Children’s Hospital Randwick New South Wales Australia
7. Northern Clinical School University of Sydney St Leonards New South Wales Australia
8. Northern Cancer Institute St Leonards New South Wales Australia
9. Department of Medical Oncology Royal North Shore Hospital St Leonards New South Wales Australia
10. Department of Medical Oncology Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital Herston Queensland Australia
11. Faculty of Medicine University of Queensland St Lucia Queensland Australia
12. The Preston Robert Tisch Brain Tumor Center Duke Center for Cancer Immunotherapy Duke University Durham USA