Bird and bat predation services in tropical forests and agroforestry landscapes


Maas Bea12,Karp Daniel S.34,Bumrungsri Sara5,Darras Kevin1,Gonthier David36,Huang Joe C.‐C.78,Lindell Catherine A.9,Maine Josiah J.10,Mestre Laia111213,Michel Nicole L.14,Morrison Emily B.9,Perfecto Ivette6,Philpott Stacy M.15,Şekercioğlu Çagan H.1617,Silva Roberta M.18,Taylor Peter J.1920,Tscharntke Teja1,Van Bael Sunshine A.2122,Whelan Christopher J.23,Williams‐Guillén Kimberly624


1. Agroecology Georg–August University Grisebachstraße 6 37077 Goettingen Germany

2. Division of Tropical Ecology and Animal Biodiversity, Department of Botany and Biodiversity Research University of Vienna Rennweg 14 1030 Vienna Austria

3. The Nature Conservancy 201 Mission Street, 4th Floor San Francisco CA 94105 U.S.A.

4. Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management University of California Mulford Hall, 130 Hilgard Way Berkeley CA 94720 U.S.A.

5. Department of Biology Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla University Thailand 15 Karnjanavanich Rd. Hat Yai Songkhla 90110 Thailand

6. School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan 440 Church Street Ann Arbor MI 48109 U.S.A.

7. Department of Biological Sciences Texas Tech University Box 43131 Lubbock TX 79409 U.S.A.

8. Southeast Asian Bat Conservation and Research Unit Department of Biological Science Box 43131, Texas Tech University Lubbock TX 79409‐3131 U.S.A.

9. Integrative Biology Department Center for Global Change and Earth Observations, Michigan State University 288 Farm Lane RM 203 East Lansing MI 48824 U.S.A.

10. Cooperative Wildlife Research Laboratory, Department of Zoology Center for Ecology, Southern Illinois University 1125 Lincoln Dr. Carbondale IL 62901 U.S.A.

11. CREAF Carretera de Bellaterra a l'Autònoma, s/n 08193 Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona, Spain

12. Departament de Biologia Animal, de Biologia Vegetal i d'Ecologia Universitat Autònoma, Carretera de Bellaterra a l'Autònoma s/n, 08193 Cerdanyola del Vallès Barcelona, Spain

13. Department of Ecology Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Box 7044 750 07 Uppsala Sweden

14. School of Environment and Sustainability, University of Saskatchewan 117 Science Place Saskatoon Saskatchewan S7N 5C8 Canada

15. Environmental Studies Department University of California, Santa Cruz 1156 High Street Santa Cruz CA 95062 U.S.A.

16. Department of Biology University of Utah 257 South 1400 East, Rm. 201 Salt Lake City UT 84112 U.S.A.

17. College of Sciences, Koç University Rumelifeneri Sariyer 34450 Istanbul Turkey

18. Programa de Pós‐Graduação em Ecologia e Conservação da Biodiversidade Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz Rodovia Ilhéus‐Itabuna, km 16 45662‐900 Bahia Brazil

19. School of Life Sciences, University of KwaZulu‐Natal Private Bag X54001 Durban 4000 South Africa

20. SARChI Chair on Biodiversity Value & Change and Centre for Invasion Biology School of Mathematical & Natural Sciences, University of Venda P. Bag X5050 Thohoyandou 0950 South Africa

21. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Tulane University 6823 St. Charles Avenue New Orleans LA 70118 U.S.A.

22. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute Apartado Postal 0843‐03092, Balboa Ancon Republic of Panama

23. Illinois Natural History Survey c/o Biological Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago 845 West Taylor Street Chicago IL 60607 U.S.A.

24. Paso Pacífico PO Box 1244 Ventura CA 94302 U.S.A.


Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung

Department of Science and Technology, Government of Kerala

Bat Conservation International

Environment Canada

University of Saskatchewan

National Science Foundation

Ministry of Research and Innovation




General Agricultural and Biological Sciences,General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology







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