1. Inst. of Earth Surface Dynamics, Faculty of Geosciences and Environment, Univ. of Lausanne Lausanne Switzerland
2. Land Change Science Research Unit, Swiss Federal Inst. for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research, WSL Birmensdorf Switzerland
3. EnviroSPACE, Inst. for Environmental Sciences, Univ. of Genev, a Geneva Switzerland
4. Ecosystems Landscape Evolution, Inst. for Terrestrial Ecosystems, Dept of Environmental System Sciences Zurich Switzerland
5. Dept of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies, Faculty of Science, Univ. of Zurich Zurich Switzerland
6. Dept of Aquatic Ecology, Eawag, Swiss Federal Inst. of Aquatic Science and Technology Duebendorf Switzerland
7. Dept of Ecology and Evolution, Univ. of Lausanne Lausanne Switzerland
8. InfoFlora Chambésy‐Geneva Switzerland