1. Biogeochemistry Research Group, Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences University of Eastern Finland Kuopio Finland
2. Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation Natural Resources Canada Ottawa Ontario
3. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Richland Washington
4. Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences Purdue University West Lafayette Indiana
5. Ecosystems and Environment Research Programme, Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences University of Helsinki Helsinki Finland
6. Department of Geography Norwegian University of Science and Technology Trondheim Norway
7. Department of Physical Geography, Bolin Centre of Climate Research Stockholm University Stockholm Sweden
8. Institute of Biology of Komi SC RAS Syktyvkar Russia
9. Department of Earth and Ecosystem Science, Geobiosphere Centre, Geocentrum II Lund University Lund Sweden
10. Department for Arctic and Climate Danish Meteorological Institute Copenhagen Ø Denmark
11. Geophysical Institute University of Alaska Fairbanks Fairbanks Alaska
12. Earth Cryosphere Institute, Tyumen Science Centre SB RAS Tyumen Russia
13. Department of Geocryological Mapping GIS Moscow Russia