1. Phycology Research Group Biology Department Ghent University Ghent Belgium
2. Kobe University Research Center for Inland Seas Rokkodai, Kobe Japan
3. Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) InnovOcean Site Ostend Belgium
4. Escuela de Biología Universidad de Costa Rica San José Costa Rica
5. Department of Biology, Marine Biology & Environmental Science, Feinstein School of Social & Natural Sciences Roger Williams University Bristol Rhode Island USA
6. Centre for Sea and Society Gothenburg Global Biodiversity Centre University of Gothenburg Göteborg Sweden
7. blue[c]weed Locmaria‐Plouzané France
8. Institut de Recherche pour le Développement UMR ENTROPIE Nouméa New Caledonia France
9. Biology Department Centre for Environmental and Molecular Algal Research University of New Brunswick Fredericton NB Canada
10. Meise Botanic Garden Meise Belgium
11. School of BioSciences University of Melbourne Melbourne VIC Australia