1. WCU Biomodulation Major; Department of Agricultural Biotechnology; Seoul National University; Seoul Korea
2. The Hormel Institute; University of Minnesota; Austin MM USA
3. Advanced Institutes of Convergence Technology; Seoul National University; Suwon Korea
4. Korea Food Research Institute; Seongnam Korea
5. Research Institute of Biotechnology and Medical Converged Science; Dongguk University; Goyang Korea
6. Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry; Am Klopferspitz 18; 82152 Martinsried Germany
7. Department of Food Science and Technology; Cornell University; Ithaca NY USA
8. Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology; Bio/Molecular Informatics Center; Konkuk University; Seoul Korea
9. Skin Research Institute; Amorepacific Corporation R&D Center; Yongin Korea
10. Research Institute of Bio Food Industry; Institute of Green Bio Science and Technology; Seoul National University; Pyeongchang Korea