1. Pediatric Diabetes and Metabolic Disorders Unit; University of Verona, University City Hospital; Verona Italy
2. Department of Pediatrics; Aarhus University Hospital; Aarhus Denmark
3. Clinic for Endocrinology, Diabetes and Genetics, Medical University Sofia; University Pediatric Hospital; Sofia Bulgaria
4. Institute of Epidemiology and Medical Biometry, ZIBMT; University of Ulm; Ulm Germany
5. German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD); Munich-Neuherberg Germany
6. Diabetes Center, P & A Kyriakou Children's Hospital; Athens Greece
7. Department of Pediatrics; University Hospitals Leuven; Leuven Belgium
8. Department of Development and Regeneration; University of Leuven; Leuven Belgium
9. KLE Diabetes Centre; KLE University JNMC and KLE'S Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC; Belagavi India
10. Hospital Dona Estefânia; Unit of Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes; Lisbon Portugal
11. Queen Silvia Children's Hospital; Sahlgrenska University Hospital; Gothenburg Sweden
12. Ist. Department of Pediatrics; Semmelweis University; Budapest Hungary
13. Deccp, Pediatric Clinic/Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg; Luxembourg Grand Duche de Luxembourg
14. Department of Pediatrics; Motol University Hospital; Prague Czech Republic
15. Department of Women's and Children Health; Salesi Hospital; Ancona Italy
16. Department of Pediatric and adolescents; Copenhagen University hospital; Herlev Denmark
17. Alberta Children's Hospital Research Institute; University of Calgary; Calgary Alberta Canada
18. Diabetes Center, First Department of Pediatrics; Medical School,National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Agia Sophia Children's Hospital; Athens Greece
19. The Jesse Z. and Lea Shafer Institute of Endocrinology and Diabetes; Schneider Children's Medical Center of Israel; Petach Tikva Israel
20. Sackler Faculty of Medicine; Tel Aviv University; Tel Aviv Israel
21. University Children's Hospital, Department of Endocrinology; Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases; Ljubljana Slovenia
22. The Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden and NU Hospital Group; Uddevalla Sweden
23. Barbara Davis Center; University of Colorado; Aurora Colorado
24. General Private Practitioner at T1diams; Mauritius Island
25. APDP-Diabetes Portugal, Department of Pediatric and adolescents; Lisbon Portugal