Cognitive training and remediation interventions for substance use disorders: a Delphi consensus study


Verdejo‐Garcia Antonio1ORCID,Rezapour Tara2,Giddens Emily1ORCID,Khojasteh Zonoozi Arash3,Rafei Parnian3,Berry Jamie4,Caracuel Alfonso5ORCID,Copersino Marc L.6,Field Matt7ORCID,Garland Eric L.8,Lorenzetti Valentina9ORCID,Malloy‐Diniz Leandro10,Manning Victoria11,Marceau Ely M.12,Pennington David L.13,Strickland Justin C.14ORCID,Wiers Reinout15ORCID,Fairhead Rahia1,Anderson Alexandra1ORCID,Bell Morris16,Boendermaker Wouter J.17,Brooks Samantha18,Bruno Raimondo19,Campanella Salvatore20,Cousijn Janna21ORCID,Cox W. Miles22,Dean Andrew C.23,Ersche Karen D.24,Franken Ingmar21ORCID,Froeliger Brett25,Gamito Pedro26,Gladwin Thomas E.27,Goncalves Priscila D.28ORCID,Houben Katrijn29,Jacobus Joanna30ORCID,Jones Andrew31,Kaag Anne M.32ORCID,Lindenmeyer Johannes33,McGrath Elly34,Nardo Talia35,Oliveira Jorge26,Pennington Charlotte R.36ORCID,Perrykkad Kelsey37,Piercy Hugh38,Rupp Claudia I.39,Schulte Mieke H. J.32,Squeglia Lindsay M.40,Staiger Petra41,Stein Dan J.42,Stein Jeff43,Stein Maria44ORCID,Stoops William W.45,Sweeney Mary46,Witkiewitz Katie47ORCID,Woods Steven P.48,Yi Richard49,Zhao Min50,Ekhtiari Hamed51ORCID


1. School of Psychological Sciences and Turner Institute for Brain and Mental Health Monash University Clayton VIC Australia

2. Department of Cognitive Psychology Institute for Cognitive Science Studies Tehran Iran

3. Iranian National Center for Addiction Studies Tehran University of Medical Sciences Tehran Iran

4. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Macquarie University Macquarie Park NSW Australia

5. Mind, Brain and Behavior Research Center Universidad de Granada Granada Spain

6. McLean Hospital and Harvard Medical School Belmont MA USA

7. Department of Psychology University of Sheffield Sheffield UK

8. Center on Mindfulness and Integrative Health Intervention Development University of Utah Salt Lake City UT USA

9. Neuroscience of Addiction and Mental Health Program, Healthy Brain and Mind Research Centre, School of Behavioral Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences Australian Catholic University Melbourne VIC Australia

10. Mental Health Department, Faculty of Medicine Federal University of Minas Gerais Belo Horizonte Brazil

11. Turning Point Drug and Alcohol Centre and Monash Addiction Research Centre (MARC) Monash University Melbourne VIC Australia

12. School of Psychology and Illawarra Health and Medical Research Institute University of Wollongong Wollongong NSW Australia

13. Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences University of California, San Francisco San Francisco CA USA

14. Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Baltimore MD USA

15. Addiction Development and Psychopathology (ADAPT) Laboratory, Department of Psychology, Centre for Urban Mental Health University of Amsterdam Amsterdam the Netherlands

16. Department of Psychiatry Yale University School of Medicine New Haven CT USA

17. Addiction, Development, and Psychopathology (ADAPT) Laboratory, Department of Psychology University of Amsterdam Amsterdam the Netherlands

18. Research Centre for Brain and Behaviour, School of Psychology, Faculty of Health Liverpool John Moores University UK

19. School of Psychology University of Tasmania TAS Hobart Australia

20. Laboratoire de Psychologie Médicale et d’Addictologie ULB Neuroscience Institute (UNI), CHU Brugmann‐Université Libre de Bruxelles Bruxelles Belgium

21. Department of Psychology, Education and Child Studies Erasmus University Rotterdam the Netherlands

22. School of Human and Behavioural Sciences Bangor University Bangor UK

23. Department of Psychiatry and Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior University of California Los Angeles CA USA

24. Department of Psychiatry University of Cambridge Cambridge UK

25. Department of Psychiatry and Psychological Sciences University of Missouri Columbia MO USA

26. HEI‐Lab Lusófona University Lisbon Portugal

27. No affiliation/independent researcher London UK

28. Department of Epidemiology Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health New York NY USA

29. Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience Maastricht University Maastricht the Netherlands

30. Department of Psychiatry University of California San Diego CA USA

31. Department of Psychology University of Liverpool UK

32. Department of Clinical, Neuro and Developmental Psychology Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam the Netherlands

33. Salus Klinik Lindow, Lindlow Germany

34. Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health University of Manchester Manchester UK

35. School of Psychological Sciences Macquarie University NSW Australia

36. School of Psychology Aston University Birmingham UK

37. Cognition and Philosophy Laboratory, Monash Centre for Consciousness and Contemplative Studies Monash University Melbourne VIC Australia

38. Monash Addiction Research Centre, Eastern Health Clinical School Monash University Melbourne VIC Australia

39. Department of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, Psychosomatics and Medical Psychology University Clinics of Psychiatry I, Medical University Innsbruck Innsbruck Austria

40. Department of Psychiatry Medical University of South Carolina Charleston SC USA

41. School of Psychology Deakin University Melbourne VIC Australia

42. SAMRC Unit on Risk and Resilience in Mental Disorders, Department of Psychiatry and Neuroscience Institute University of Cape Town Cape Town South Africa

43. Center for Health Behaviors Research Fralin Biomedical Research Institute at Virginial Tech VA USA

44. Department for Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy University of Bern Switzerland

45. Department of Behavioral Science University of Kentucky Lexington KY USA

46. Behavioral Pharmacology Research Unit Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Baltimore MD USA

47. Department of Psychology and Center on Alcohol, Substance Use and Addictions University of New Mexico NM USA

48. Department of Psychology University of Houston Houston TX USA

49. Department of Psychology University of Kansas Lawrence KS USA

50. Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine Shanghai China

51. Department of Psychiatry University of Minnesota Minneapolis MN USA


National Health and Medical Research Council




Psychiatry and Mental health,Medicine (miscellaneous)







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