1. Department of Psychiatry; Dankook University Hospital; Cheonan Korea
2. Department of Psychiatry; Jeju National University College of Medicine; Jeju Korea
3. Department of Psychiatry; Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine; Seoul Korea
4. Department of Psychiatry; Soonchunhyang University College of Medicine; Bucheon Hospital; Bucheon Korea
5. Department of Psychiatry; Sanggyepaik Hospital School of Medicine; Inje University; Seoul Korea
6. Department of Psychiatry; Yonsei Clinic of Psychiatry; Seoul Korea
7. Department of Psychiatry; Kyungpook National University School of Medicine; Daegu Korea
8. Department of Psychiatry; Maum to Maum Clinic, Guro; Seoul Korea
9. Department of Psychiatry; College of Medicine; Eulji University; Seoul Korea
10. Department of Psychiatry; Kangwon National University School of Medicine; Chuncheon Korea
11. Department of Biostatistics; Graduate School of Public Health; Seoul National University; Seoul Korea
12. Department of Preventive Medicine; Kyung Hee University School of Medicine; Seoul Korea
13. Department of Psychiatry; Kyung Hee University School of Medicine; Seoul Korea