1. 1. PRS Report 817 . Analysis of an Officer Efficiency Report (WD AGO Form 67-1) Using Multiple Raters . 1952 . ADI Document No. 3936, microfilm $2.00, photostat $3-75.
2. 2. PRS Report 900 . A Study of Officer Rating Methodology. I. The Over-all Design of the Study. 1951 . ADI Document No. 3864, microfilm $1.75, photostat $2.50.
3. 3. PRS Report 901 . A Study of Officer Rating Methodology. II. Ratings Made by Identified and Anonymous Raters . 1952 . ADI Document No. 3854, microfilm $2.00, photostat $3.75.
4. 4. PRS Report 902 . A Study of Officer Rating Methodology. III. Order of Rating and Validity of Rating . 1952 . ADI Document No. 3855, microfilm $1.75, photostat $2.50.
5. 5. PRS Report 903 . A Study of Officer Rating Methodology. IV. Effect of Forced Choice Items on Validity of Rating Scales . 1952 . ADI Document No. 3856, microfilm $1.75, photostat $2.50.