1. Social, Economic and Organizational Psychology Leiden University Leiden The Netherlands
2. School of Psychology University of Sussex Brighton UK
3. School of History and Heritage University of Lincoln Lincoln UK
AbstractThere is evidence that engagement with tangible heritage is linked to improvements in well‐being. However, experimental tests of this association, as well as theoretical accounts explaining this relationship, are lacking. The present study aims to compensate for this gap by developing a theoretical framework based on the social identity approach that explains the effect of community‐based heritage engagement on well‐being, and testing this effect in a quasi‐experimental field study in the context of community test pit archeological excavations. In line with the predictions, the results demonstrate that excavation participants (but not participants in the control condition) report improvements on a number of psychological outcomes after (as compared to before) participation in a 2‐day excavation program (including well‐being, self‐efficacy, and perceived community support). The findings offer implications for community‐based approaches to enhancing well‐being, as well as the practice of conducting community‐based archeological excavations.
Cited by
12 articles.
1. Appendix;Heritage and Wellbeing;2024-07-04
2. Healthier Societies through Heritage;Heritage and Wellbeing;2024-07-04
3. Heritage Type, Demographics, and Context;Heritage and Wellbeing;2024-07-04
4. Museums, Art Galleries, and Wellbeing;Heritage and Wellbeing;2024-07-04
5. Heritage Sites and Wellbeing;Heritage and Wellbeing;2024-07-04