1. G. W. Brown , 1980 . Forestry and Water Quality . Book Stores, Inc. Oregon State University, Cods, Oregon, 124 pp.
2. G. W. Brown, G. W. Swank, and J. Rothacher , 1971 . Water Temperature in the Steamboat Drainage. USDA-Forest Serv. Pacific NW For. and Range Exp. Sta. Res. Paper PNW-119, 17 pp.
3. R. Lee , 1978 . Forest Microclimatology . Columbia University Press, New York, New York, 276 pp.
4. R. D. Patton , 1980 . The Effect of Streamside Forest Harvesting on Stream Temperature in the Georgia Mountains . M.S. Thesis , School of Forest Resources, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, 49 pp.